I take calls from 8am to 6pm central time, 6 days a week. If I miss your call, leave a message or send me a text and I'll return the call asap.
Note: Due to supply shortages, material cost increases, and high demand, we had to raise our prices. It is possible we may need to do this again, but hopefully not. NOTE: Our machines are high quality and take many more hours to build each machine as compared to manufacturers that just throw their machines together with staples and cheap materials.
NEW - FOUNTAIN O SILVER DELUXE Coin / Token pusher. We can set up machine for coin or tokens depending on your local laws. It is the purchasers responsibility to check state and local laws when operating this equipment. Factory Direct Price Fountain O Silver - FOS 2095.00 + Shipping 1 Machine. 1995.00 + Shipping 2 to 9 Machines. 1895.00 + Shipping 10 & up
Sale price U.S.A. Only. Non-export. CALL FOR Discounts on equipment picked up at our door. No packing or shipping. Save $$$$$ Fountain O Silver - FOS 2000.00 1 to 3 machines. 1900.00 4 to 9 machines. 1800.00 Cash at door 10 or more machines.
Shown with all options, side mirrors, LED multi-color chase lights & full graphics. Deluxe Model includes all of these options.
Features: * Hinged tempered front glass * Easy front access penny tray ( remove from front ) * Multi-floating nylon guide blocks * Adjustable side slots * Easy access metal front lip adjustment * Colored LED chase lights x 2 * Tilt Alarm & shut off door. Adjustable from 1 to 10 seconds. * Extremely well built with 400+ screws & fasteners to insure the machine stays solid. Where others put 2 screws, we'll put 12, 18 or more.